Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Book Giveaway - Heat of the Night by Sylvia Day

I have an extra copy of Heat of the Night by Sylvia Day and would love to share. Just leave me a comment from now until midnight Friday (January 18th, 2008) and I'll announce the winner Saturday morning. Take a peek at the review to see what what this steamy read is about:

Good Luck, and Happy Reading!


Kara said...

I love Sylvia Day. Thanks for sharing - put my name in please!!!

Wendy said...

Kimberly, because I'm so freaking nice, I'll help you and take the book off your hands. Great, huh? ;)

Kimberly Swan said...

Hi Kara...sure will!

Wendy....lol....What would I do without you, eh?

Wendy said...

Everyone who knows me asks themselves that everyday, lol!

Kimberly Swan said...

I'm not even going to touch that one! lol Hey, did you see your link? *grin*

Kammie said...

A sexy warrior....I'm interested! Please add my name to the hat. Thanks!

Pam P said...

I've been wanting to read this sequel to Pleasures of the Night - count me in, too, please.

T.C. Robson said...

Don't pick me, don't pick me! Too mature reading for me...not sure my parents would like that sitting on my shelf. But I didn't want to be rude by not leaving a comment, so...hi!

Kimberly Swan said...

KimW - yes, very sexy indeed! You're entered. :)

T.C. - Hi! Think the title would give it away? *grin* Oh, I stopped by a friend's house Friday and guess what was in the backyard, with one of their boxers in it! An igloo! So, maybe when that little cutie is feeling better he'll check his out. :)

CrystalGB said...

I love Sylvia's books. She is a great writer. Please count me in.

Kimberly Swan said...

Pam & Crystal - You're both entered...good luck! :)

Wendy said...

Kimberly - wise choise not commenting on that. *g*

And yeah I just saw it, woo! I'm your first, lol! thanks. :)

Cathy M said...

Loved Pleasure of the Night and already have this book on my tbb list.

T.C. Robson said...

Oh, no worries - he's already utilizing his dogloo, especially on the colder days we're getting now. :) He hasn't completely warmed to it (pardon the pun), but he uses it on occasion. And he is feeling better, by the way. He's jumping on the sofa again, much to our dismay, and he's becoming more active. He's pulling through, which we didn't think would happen.

Kimberly Swan said...

Wendy - Just had to add it, so you got your own section...lol

Cathy - if you enjoyed the first one, then I'm sure that you'll love this. :)

T.C. - Very cool, at least he's checking it out now. I'm so happy to hear that he's recovering so well. He hasn't taken the chair over yet? lol

Wendy said...

Kimberly, because I'm so special right? RIGHT? lol!

Don't worry about the note thing, I would have done the same thing. :)

And my day's going okay, no clinicals today, only class so I can use the computer and after a quick lecture we're gonna watch Psycho. I think they're ordering pizza and stuff, should be fun, lol. How's your day?

Kimberly Swan said...

You are forever making me laugh! :)

Definitely sounds like a decent day for you. Have you seen Psycho before? I love those old horrors. My day was just the typical routine here, but I suppose sometimes that's good. lol

Anonymous said...

please enter me to win, would LOVELOVELOVE to winthis!

T.C. Robson said...

Well...he's taking my bed right now, believe it or not. Little bugger likes my comforter. Luckily I'm not too tired. LOL ^^

Wendy said...

Kimberly, actually it was SICKO, not Psycho, oops, typo! lol. But it was good!

Enchanted by Books said...

Please put my name in the hat! I'd love to win this!

Enchanted by Books said...

PS.. Updates on my blog..

ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

Hi Kimberly,

You have a wonderful blog :-) Ooo nice giveaway. I will be happy to win & read this one. Sylvia's books look good and this one is on my wish list. Thank You for giving us this chance to win.


Kimberly Swan said...

BlackRoze37 - you're entered! :)

T.C. - They are such smart little critters, aren't they? lol

Wendy - I remember hearing about that and of course it makes sense, it was about heathcare, right?

Rachael - You're entered, I'll pop over to your blog in a minute too.

Linda H - Good to see you. Thank you! You're entered. :)

Good luck everyone! Remember to stop back tomorrow when the winner is announced. :)

ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

Good seeing you Kimberly. When you get the chance come by my blog I have author Lori Devoti from the 15th - 21st and also a giveaway of her first Nocturne book in her series Unbound :)


Wendy said...

Kimberly, yep it was and it definitely opened my eyes. I mean, I've always know the healthcare system was a business but I didn't think it could be that bad. But also I have to keep in mind that the documentary is his POV. All I know is that what it comes down to is money and just how much a person's life is worth.

Pretty sad, huh?

Kimberly Swan said...

Wendy - I think that most people try to ignore that side of things. :(

Pretty sad indeed.