Meredith Gentry, Book 7
Laurell K. Hamilton
Ballantine Books
November 4, 2008
ISBN# 978-0-345-49593-8
Book Blurb:
I am Meredith, princess of faerie, wielder of the hands of Flesh and Blood, and at long last, I am with child–twins, fathered by my royal guard. Though my uncle, Taranis, King of Light and Illusion, claims that he is the true father since he abducted me from my home, betrayed, and defiled me. And now he has branded my guards as a threat to my unborn children.
Bearing an heir has placed me halfway to my aunt’s throne, that much closer to my reign over the Unseelie Court–and well ahead of her son, my cousin Cel, in this race. Now I must stay alive to see my children born and claim my place as queen.
But not all in faerie are pleased with the news, and conspirators from every court in the realm plot against me and mine. They seek to strip my guards, my lovers, from me by poisoned word or cold steel. But I still have supporters, and even friends, among the goblins and the sluagh, who will stand by me.
I am Meredith Nic Essus, and those who would defy and destroy me are destined to pay a terrible price–for I am truly my father’s daughter. To protect what is mine, I will sacrifice anything–even if it means waging a great battle against my darkest enemies and making the most momentous decision ever made as princess of faerie.
My thoughts:
Having finally achieved her goal and gotten pregnant, Merry and her men should be celebrating the future with their unborn children. Instead, they’re left to mourn the loss of one of their own and set out to ensure that anyone bold enough to cross them as Taranis has will pay for their crimes.
As attacks on Merry and those she holds dear continue to escalate, the Wild Hunt is called upon to deliver swift justice. Its appearance is a surprise to everyone in faerie, but further proof that what was once lost to them now returns. While the prospect of Merry becoming a queen dwindles with each passing hour, her new goal is to remove her nearest and dearest from immediate danger. It’s a plan that may be much more difficult than she ever would have predicted.
This is the seventh book in the Meredith Gentry series and answers many of the questions formed in previous releases. Ms. Hamilton takes readers on a hard-hitting and dangerous adventure as the heroine and her heroes fight to conquer their enemies and live to see another day. Swallowing Darkness brings Merry’s family to the forefront and provides many long-awaited answers. Fans will be thrilled with the magical surprises shared by faerie, and stunned by the shocking end to this installment. I’m looking forward to seeing where Merry’s life will go from here.
To learn more about the Meredith Gentry series, please visit Ms. Hamilton’s site: Here
Kimberly Swan, Dark Reviews
I've never read Hamilton yet (I know shock! LOL) but her books sound great!
I can't wait to read this one - I'm glad LKH is still moving the plot forward.
I have never read any books by Laurell K. Hamilton who is highly thought of and I was wondering if the Meredith Gentry series would be a good place to start.
Swallowing Darknessseems like an excellent read - it has all the elements I love including fantasy, conspiracy etc.
Rachael - It is a shock! lol Another author you should have on your list. :)
Liviania - You should love this one, there are a lot of questions answered. I'm always happy to see more from her as well.
Wave - This would be a great series for you to start with! They are both very good though. *grin*
I was afraid to ready any other reviews until I had read the book. Glad you liked it too. LKH seems re-energized about the character and the series. It is good that she can still surprise us.
I try not to read reviews on books I know that I'll be reviewing myself, so I really understand that. I did enjoy it very much, a lot of thought had to go into Swallowing Darkness to wrap up threads and to give us all of those believeable answers. Can't wait for the next one! :)
I know I'm waiting for the next book!
Wonderful Elena, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying them as well! :)
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