Here are the rules:
List five things you are obsessed with/addicted to and nominate five fabulous blogs to pass this award on to!
5 Obsessions/Addictions:
1. Reading – There’s rarely a time when I’m not in the middle of reading a book and bringing it along wherever I go.
2. Horror movies – I’ve watched them since I was a kid and continue to see every one of them I can.
3. Organizing – I am completely unorganized, but work non-stop at trying to organize everything around me. Yep, makes no sense to me either. *sigh*
4. Studio G Stamps – If you’re not a paper crafter (card making, scrapbooking, etc), you probably have no idea what these are. They’re small acrylic stamps that are released as sets, but sold individually so that for the most part you have to visit every craft store in your area trying to complete a set (or find someplace online to order from). *grin*
5. Gibble’s White Cheddar Cheese Puffys – For me these rank up there as the most heavenly snack food and I don’t buy them too often or I’d eat them every day.
5 nominations:
Rachael from Enchanted by Books
Samantha from Sam’s Book Blog
Stacy from Scooper Speaks
Ruth from Ruthie’s Book Reviews
Amber from Amberkatze’s Book Blog
Haha I totally get you about the organization thing. I'm never as organized as I want to be and I'm always scrambling around to put things in order.
I'm always amazed by people who totally 'have it together'. I even make the effort to get storage containers for everything I can, and soon after that I see something else that 'would have worked so much better'! lol
Thank you so much Kimberly!!! I'll be posting about it on my blog! :D
My pleasure Ruth! :)
Thanks Kimberly. I'll hop to it later this week. I've been so lazy about blogging it's quite pathetic.
Glad I could share! Life gets busy and I know it's hard to make the time. :)
Thank you so much! Sorry it took me so long to respond back..just been a crazy week :)
No worries Sam, you're welcome! :)
A well deserved nomination, Kimberly. Your blog is truly fabulous! :)
Awww...thank you Christine!
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