Friday, November 16, 2007

Interview - Lynsay Sands

Darque Reviews welcomes Lynsay Sands:

Hi Ms. Sands, thanks so much for sharing this time with Darque Reviews! We’re looking forward to getting to know both you and your work a bit better.

Can you tell us how long you’ve been writing, and how many books you’ve had published?

LS: I could tell you but it makes me feel so oldddd. Oh all right. Actually, I’ve been writing my whole life. However, my first book was published in April 1997. As for how many books, that would be 25 full novels (14 historicals, 10 Argeneaus and 1 contemp) 3 half books and 7 anthologies.

You have three upcoming releases with Avon Books (Harper Collins). The Accidental Vampire, Vampires are Forever and Vampire Interrupted. Can you tell us a little about your Argeneau vampire family and how many books readers can expect to find in the series?

LS: When I started the Argeneaus, I needed to find a way for them to be vampires but not dead and soulless, because I couldn’t see how someone soulless could love anyone. However, I also wanted them to be like the traditional vampires in some ways. Stronger, faster, with special mental abilities, etc. I also wanted them old, because there’s just something sexy about someone so powerful and whose seen and done a lot and been around ages and ages but chooses you for a mate. I mean, they’ve met a lot of women/men and yet the hero/heroine is the chosen one. It makes it more special. Those were my requirements when I started the series and my Argeneaus were the answer I came up with. They’re old, but their vampirism is based on science rather than some curse.

The Argeneaus, themselves, are really your typical family other than being vampires. They love each other, sometimes interfere, sometimes are thoughtless, sometimes take advantage, but are always there to back each other up when the . . . er . . . stuff hits the fan.

As for how many books, even I don’t know that. I keep coming up with new situations to explore, and issues to address and so long as those keep coming, the stories will too. They will not always be Argeneaus, however. In fact, the book I just mailed in was about Mortimer, one of the enforcers.

You recently had your story Run, Run, Rudolph published in the Avon Books anthology Holidays are Hell. Can you tell us a little about that story and where you got the idea for it?

LS: Run Run Rudolph is basically a continuation of my story in Dates From Hell. Here, Jill--the sister from the first story—has become the target of her brother’s ex co-worker; an evil scientist who turns her into a shapeshifter with the intention of performing some rather horrible tests on her. She manages to escape and make it to the parade where she’s supposed to be Mrs. Claus, but her nemisis follows and she finds herself on the run with a sexy Mr. Claus, using her new abilities to try to save them both.

Can you tell us what you’re working on now, and what fans can look forward to?

LS: I literally just finished corrections on my first Historical for Avon as well as writing the next Argeneau to be released sometime next year after the three coming out in early 2008. I mailed them out yesterday, and this morning started the next historical for Avon. It’s a Scottish Medieval.

What is the most difficult part of the writing process for you?

LS: The beginning. Starting the story is always hardest. I usually haven’t got a handle on the characters yet and tend to fuss over and write and rewrite the first three or four chapters until I know who they are and what they’re like and how they’ll react to situations. After that they tend to take over and kind of tell me what to write. I know that sounds silly, but it’s just how it works for me.

You’ve written in several genres. Is one more enjoyable for you to work in?

LS: Not really, each has something to recommend it. My interest lies more with the situations and the characters than with the time period.

What genre do you enjoy reading? Who are some of your favorite authors?

LS: I love romance, but oddly enough, the first book I look for after finishing writing one of my stories (I never read while writing a book) is a horror. And my favorite author is Dean Koontz.

Have any authors been an influence to your writing?

LS: That’s a hard question. I don’t really know if I’ve ever been influenced by a writer, or just books in general. At least, I can’t pinpoint a certain book or writer who influenced me. I was writing in grade school, before I had actually decided what I liked to read, maybe even before I became a voracious reader. I sometimes think I was just born a writer, and rather than being influenced by another writer, it was probably a grade school English teacher, Mr. Brady, who influenced me the most. He used to assign us a story every Friday. It was “Write a one page story about such-and-such.” That story was to be collected the next Friday. However, the first time this happened, I went to him the following week and explained my story was fourteen pages long, but just wasn’t done yet.” I can still remember his expression as he dropped his pencil on the desk. After a hesitation, he said, “Well, then your assignment is to continue on with it and hand it in next week.” But it was thirty pages long and not done the next week, and so on. Most of my stories ended up being action adventures about 60 to 90 pages long that year and taking four or five weeks to write and he allowed it.

On parent teacher night, he pulled my mother aside and told her, “If you encourage this girl the least little bit, she’ll be published one day.” I really think his encouraging my creativity as well as giving me the freedom to not follow either the one page guideline or even his suggestions for what to write about is the reason I’m a writer today. That and the fact that my mother listened to him and did encourage me.

Did you have an interest in vampires before beginning your Argeneau series?

LS: Not at all, LOL. In fact, this series is all the fault of a writer friend of mine. I never even considered doing vamps until she suggested we do a vampire anthology together with another friend. I laughed and said, “Oh no! If I did a vamp they’d have to faint at the sight of blood or something silly like that.” The ideas I tossed out that night stuck with me and just wouldn’t go away until I sat down and started writing them. The Argeneaus are the result.

What do you do to unwind in your free time?

LS: I love to read which shouldn’t be surprising. I also love movies, painting and renovating our old house and long bubble baths, especially with a book and a glass of wine.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with readers or aspiring writers before we go?

LS: Just to thank them. They are the reason I get to do what I do.

Thank you so much for spending some time with Darque Reviews and for giving us a peek into your writing world. It’s been a pleasure having you!

Kimberly Swan,
Darque Reviews

Please visit Lynsay Sands website here:

Avon – Harper Collins can be found here:


Anonymous said...

Great interview. I've never read Lynsay Sands before. Looks like I have another author to add to my list.

Kimberly Swan said...

Thanks, they're always such a pleasure to do. :) It's a fun series, and there's always a romance (most of which begin quite reluctantly!).

Wendy said...

Awesome interview! I should be getting Holidays Are Hell in the mail any day now and can't wait to read your story! :)

Anonymous said...

Loved "Run Rudolph, Run". Really I love all Lynsay Sands books. Always looking for a new relaese by her.

Anonymous said...

i adore lynsay sands books

Katie said...

Such a great interview!!!

Kimberly Swan said...

Thanks all for stopping by. The authors are so great to share parts of their lives and their writing career. I'm so glad you've enjoyed it! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a nice interview. I must admit that I rarely read interviews, but I found this to be interesting and attention holding.

Kimberly Swan said...

I love getting that little peek into the author's life, and finding out what might be coming up in the future. So glad you enjoyed it! :)


Great Interview!
I have really enjoyed finding your blog and the interviews.
But soooooooo far this is my favorite.
I still have alot to check out.
And danggggggg you've got me ordering more books. Ahhhh thanks
insert big cheesy grin

Kimberly Swan said...

So glad you're enjoying the blog and are finding new books to read because of it. As long as you're still smiling about all of those books you have on your list to order, it's all good. Right? :)

Anonymous said...

Great Interview. I love all of Lynsay's books. :)

Tiarra said...

Great interview! I love Lynsays books. They always leave you wanting more and more.