Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interview - Linda Wisdom

Darque Reviews welcomes Linda Wisdom!

Hi Linda, thanks so much for sharing your time with Darque Reviews! We’re looking forward to getting to know you and your work better.

Your new paranormal romance,
50 Ways to Hex Your Lover, just released from Source Books on March 1, 2008. Can you tell us about it?

LW: Jazz Tremaine is a 700 year young witch who works as a curse eliminator during the day and a driver for All Creatures Car Service at night. She’s snarky, sexy and funny. And not too many witches have a ghost haunting their car. The only curse she wasn’t able to eliminate. Except now, her life is turning upside down when Nick Gregory her vampire ex lover shows up. He needs her help in taking down a killer of vampires. The only thing is, Jazz doesn’t want to spend too much time with Nick because she’ll just fall into bed with him again and that never goes well.

Jasmine Tremaine is a witch, Nikolai Gregorivich is a vampire. What made you choose to put them together in their on and off relationship?

LW: When I thought of the man who would take on Jazz, I soon realized a vampire, someone who’d been around for centuries, could be the only one who could handle her. Even if it means dodging fireballs she can throw all too easily.

Fluff and Puff…of course we have to hear about those naughty little slippers. How did they come about?

LW: We all have our form of comfort items. Teddy bears are great, but I’ve always had a thing about bunny slippers. I have quite a few stuffed animals wearing bunny slippers including a wolf. Fluff and Puff just sort of popped up, said they were magickal, that they were protected from punishment and they pretty much ate anything. There are times I’m convinced my own bunny slippers are out partying at night.

There are a variety of supernatural beings in Jazz’s world. Which was your favorite to write about, and why?

LW: Wow, that’s tricky. Irma, the cranky ghost was a blast to write, but I’d have to say Dweezil, Jazz’s boss at the car service. He could be the only one of his kind, has his collection of erotica, is so cheap he makes Scrooge look like a philanthropist, and believes the world is out to get him.

Will we see more of Jazz Tremaine in the future?

LW: In the fall!! I don’t have the exact month yet. Hex Appeal begins several months after 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover ends.

Can you tell us what you’re working on now, and what readers have to look forward to next?

LW: I’m waiting word on the next few witch books and I’m also trying a Young Adult urban fantasy.

What is the most difficult part of the writing process for you, and why?

LW: Writing a synopsis! I hate them. To me, it’s easier to write the whole book than write a synopsis.

What genre do you enjoy reading? Who are some of your favorite authors?

LW: I enjoy most genres, paranormal, contemporary romance, mystery, romantic suspense, sci fi/fantasy. And so many great authors out there. Yasmine Galenorn, Annette Blair, Candace Havens, Jim Butcher, Laura Anne Gilman, Linda Fairstein, Charlaine Harris, Maryjanice Davidson, Carrie Vaughn. As I said, a lot!

Do you have a hobby, or something you enjoy doing when you find some free time?

LW: Reading, of course. I also have a spoiled rotten Yorkie/Chihuahua I love to play with. Bogie’s 16 and still loves his walks. And a great way to get out and figure out what’s next.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with readers or aspiring writers before we say goodbye?

LW: For aspiring writers, just keep on as long as you have absolute faith in your work. For readers, if you buy Jazz I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing.

Thanks so much for spending this time with Darque Reviews, Linda. We wish you the best with 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover!

Kimberly Swan, Darque Reviews

You can visit Linda Wisdom here:
Witchy Chicks

Or at MySpace, here:

You can purchase 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover, here:

Barnes & Noble


Anonymous said...

this is a wonderful story
i truly enjoyed the whole book and kinda upset when i got to end, cause i wished it went longer :) i think everyone ought to go out and get this one, its a keeper!

Kimberly Swan said...

Isn't that always the way? (the good ones are always too short...lol)

Wendy said...

Great interview! 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover (heh, love that title!) sounds fabulous and I definitely need to add it to my Must Get list. :)

Kimberly Swan said...

There we are...adding to your list again. *grin* It's a fun story, and you'll enjoy the unique characters Wendy. :)

Linda Wisdom said...

I'd like to add that I just sold two more books to Sourcebooks so you'll be seeing more of the other witches and Hex Appeal will be out in November.


Kimberly Swan said...

Congrats Linda! I'll be looking forward to Hex Appeal. :)