Monday, June 1, 2009

Book Giveaway - The Marked series by S. J. Day

Darque Reviews has a wonderful new book giveaway sponsored by S. J. Day’s publicist at TOR books!

To learn more about the Marked series you can visit Ms. Day’s website: HERE

You can visit her author page on TOR: HERE

You can visit her author page on Darque Reviews: HERE

You can read a review of Eve of Darkness: HERE

You can read a review of Eve of Destruction: HERE

You can read a review of Eve of Chaos: HERE

About the Author:
S. J. DAY's resume includes a variety of odd jobs ranging from amusement park employee to POW interrogator. She's presently a full-time writer. A native Southern Californian, S.J. thinks there's no place like home, but she loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her to Japan, Holland, Germany, France, Mexico, Jamaica, and all over the United States. She's now hard at work on her next book.

About the Giveaway:
Ms. Day’s very kind publicist at TOR has offered to share three sets of the first three releases in Marked! That includes the books released to date, Eve of Darkness and Eve of Destruction, as well as the upcoming release of Eve of Chaos. Three sets, the first three releases in each! This is a release day giveaway, so you have the month of June to enter, and the winners will be drawn on June 30, 2009 just in time for the release of Eve of Chaos.

The rules: This giveaway is sponsored by TOR, and open to US residents only. There are four ways to enter; giving you four entries to win in the giveaway.

1. Leave a comment on the original blog post during the month of June.

2. Sign the Darque Reviews Guest Book on the website once between June 1 and June 30, 2009.

3. Post a link to the contest on your blog or website and email me the link at darquereviews AT gmail DOT com.

4. Check out the Wish List on the Darque Reviews website and send the title, author and release date with a link to where you found the information (Amazon, Author’s website, etc) of a book I’ve missed for the upcoming year. Email the info to me at darquereviews AT gmail DOT com between June 1 and June 30, 2009.

Four ways to enter, choose one or all four to increase your chances.

Good luck, and Happy Reading!!

Kimberly Swan,


Wendy said...

Wow! Tor is way awesome!

Chris said...

Very cool contest!

Brooke Reviews said...

This is a great contest! Tor rocks, as do you! :D

Lisa Mason said...

what a great contest! I just discovered S. J. Day's books recently.

Jacqueline C. said...

I just bought the first book and I'm really looking forward to reading it and the next two.

Natascha said...

I am really impressed with the concept of Cain and Abel in this series. I do hope there will be more than 3 books in this series. Day is very talented and innovative.

Unknown said...

I really want to read this series.

Trish Gutierrez said...

I love book giveaways.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Sounds like an interesting series.

KorynMarie- said...

Tor is awesome!
These books look really good!

Dawny said...

Read The first book and Loved it. Looking forward to the next book.

Social Ghost said...

First 3? Nice.

Alexia561 said...

Cool contest! Series sounds really interesting!

Anonymous said...

Great contest!

Pamk said...

great contest. I would love to win these books.

Sophia said...

i loved the first book, (actually ALL her books are amazing) and i can't wait to finish reading the series!

Valorie said...

I'd love to win! I just signed your guestbook and I am emailing you where I've posted your contest now. :)


CrystalGB said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. I would love to read these books.

tetewa said...

I'd love to be included for this, count me in!

CherylS22 said...

Great giveaway - please count me in!


Ladytink_534 said...

I keep hearing such good things about this series! I'd love to try it!


delitealex said...

Great giveaway. I've heard great things about this series

Booklover1335 said...

I love Sylvia's books, and would love to win her Marked series written under SJ Day!

L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L said...

This series looks great! I really want to read them. I'd love to win these books!


silverhartgirl said...

I have not read any of her books yet but they look like great reads

Alicia said...

Looks good.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

LadyVampire2u said...

I dont have of the Marked books yet but this series has been on my wishlist since I first saw the promotions for it. I'd love to win a set.
On another note, I signed your guest book, have posted about the giveaway on my blog here: . And I'll be emailing you a book recommendation soon also. Thanks for entering me!

Kim Zielke said...

I haven't read any of these books yet, but they've been on my radar for a while now. Sign me up...*fingers crossed*

Anonymous said...

Marked Series have been on my 'to read' list since I heard about S.J.Day over @Bitten By Books. TOR para books are fab -- so of course I'm excited about this competition to win free reads!!

juliet_k said...

I just saw these last night at B&N. They look awesome.

Cathy M said...

I've really been looking forward to this trilogy. Just ordered the first book and can't wait to read it.

Erin M. Hartshorn said...

Wow, this is an amazing giveaway. Thanks to TOR and to you!

Gaby317 said...

This sounds fantastic! I'm joining this contest!

I haven't yet read S.J.Day's books - so thank you for introducing me to a new author and series!

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Jo said...

I would love to win this series. What a great contest!

jump_up_thrice [at] hotmail [dot] com

Fedora said...

What a terrific contest! Thank you and thanks to TOR!

danetteb said...

I'd love a chance to win S.J.'s series.

I posted a the contest to my blog sidebar.

Hugs, danette

Anonymous said...

WOW would REALLY REALLY love to win all 3 books

Anonymous said...

signed the guestbook! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds good.
1bmore @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

Cool Contest! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Read the first. Can't wait for second and third.

LKap said...

This is so awesome!!!! Reading the 1st book now and LOVE IT!!!

D Q said...

Wow! Looks like a great series.

Unknown said...

What timing! This series is next on my list of reads so I would love an opportunity to win.

Orangebeaker said...

This is great. I would like to sign up for it as well.

Unknown said...

Hadn't heard of these before but they look like good reads, please enter me into this drawing.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Janicu said...

This sounds like a series I want to try out.

Lady Roxi said...

Love to have this.



Ashley N said...

1. This series has been taunting me every time I go into Borders lately. :) Would love to have a set!

2. Done

4. Done :)

limecello said...

Wow - this is a great giveaway, and I'm very excited about this new series!

Sage Ravenwood said...

What a great way to get introduced to the series! Indigo

BreiaB said...

Awesome contest. I really want t read this series

Unknown said...

Well, this sounds like an awesome giveaway to me.

I signed the guestbook as Shaun (using the same info as in my Blogger profile), with a haiku, by the way. It's a horrible haiku, but so be it.

I also blogged about this here:


Unknown said...


I can't enter...being a Paranormal book lover in Europe sucks alot!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great series, I can't wait to read it!

Sarah Z said...

I love finding a new author to read and if they have a series - even better!
believedreamcourage (at)

Dawn M. said...

I've been hearing a lot of good things about this series. Would love the chance to read them. Please count me in!

Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Ally M123 said...

How awesome it would be to win the first 3 books. What a huge plus for summer reading as I have not read anything (yet) by S.J. Day.

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

Michelle Greathouse said...

Hello. I read the first book and loved it. :) Please throw my name in the hat for the drawing. I signed the guest book as well. :)


Sara M said...

Awesome contest! I'd love to win! Also signed the questbook.

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Okay... late to this party! That is always me... day late and dollar short! But I am here none of the less!!! (thats one=)

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Wow, this is a crazy contest. I'd love to be entered!!! :)


lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Unknown said...

Hi Kimberly!

Great contest! Tor is great for offering the books!

I love to try this series!

Dottie :)

Unknown said...

I've also signed your guest book, sent a book for your wish list, and posted this contest on my blog @

Thanks Kimberly!

Dottie :)

Heather C said...

I just started Eve of Darkness, and I love it!!! I can't wait to learn more about Eve...

SQT said...

I have to sign up for this one. Been checking it out. Got you linked up HERE.

Glowstars said...

These books are on my list so I'd love to win copies.

housemouse88 said...

I've heard great things about this series. PICK ME!! Have a great day.

house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I'd love a chance to win these. I already have the first book but I'd love the get the whole package =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Caffey said...

I love Day's historicals and all the variety she puts out! I'd love to be in for this! Thanks!!


Caffey said...

Too I posted previously on this contest. Now I got the Darque Reviews icon up on my blog (on right side towards top) at:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for a chance at winning this great series. I have been wanting to read it and would love to be entered.

I signed your guestbook and I also sent emails with books for your wishlist and a link to where I posted info on the giveaway at.

Pam S

danie88 said...

I'd love to win these books!


danie88 said...

signed the guest book as:

Dani A.

Jacqueline C. said...

I commented earlier and I've also signed the guestbook and emailed you from jax1204(at)gmail(dot)com about Barely Bewitched (Southern Witch, 2) by Kimberly Frost.

Here's the link to my blog post:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like such a good series.
I also signed the guestbook and posted about the contest here:

KT Grant said...

Lover the first book. Would love the rest.

Sarah said...

Awesome that Tor is giving away these books. Someone I met while waiting in line for a Sherrilyn Kenyon signing told me about these books and she said they are a must read.

Erica Black said...

Great contest. I loved the first book and look forward to reading the others.

Unknown said...

Great contest, a chance to win books is always a good thing.

Anonymous said...

The "Eve" series looks awesomely interesting as Eve tackles moral issues, sin, and redemption in a supernatural world that encases ancient world of religion, with both seekers and sinners. This is a concept rich in potential, and it seems Ms. Day has a great start on a lengthy life of discovery and justification for Eve. Admittedly, my knowledge about the "Eve" books comes from reading reviews, but I'm just starting to investigate new a genre territory. From what I've read so far, the "Eve" series is on my list for acquisition and discovery.

annalisa said...

The Marked series by S. J. Day sounds great! I'd love to read all of the books. Please enter me in the contest for a chance to win them. I signed your guest book.


rubynreba said...

Please enter me. Would love to win these books. Thanks.

Alexia561 said...

I commented earlier, and I'm now a follower

Thanks again for the great contest!

Anonymous said...

I have read the first two in the series, being drawn to female characters that kick a$$ and what not. I think that this is a series with at least 7 to 10 good books in it...when the author starts to tire of Eve, she has the mobility to move on to others in the universe she has created (no pun...).
FYI, I noticed this series in the books and magazines area of my local Kroger.

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Signed guest book. Please count me in.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Love to enter this great giveaway.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Link is posted on my site.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Emailed you. Extra entry.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Jen said...

Thanks for the great contest!

iiiioneloveiiii at gmail dot com

Carmen R said...

I haven't read any of S.J Day's books but have great things about them. I would love to get my hands on these books.

hdtermite (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Wow! Winning a series is just plain wicked! Count me in!


Anna Alexia said...

i just love your books and Eve of course thanks for the contest

Bek said...

Eve really rocks and kicks butt

Renee said...

I keep hearing great things about this series. Looking forward to checking it out!

Kammie said...

I've read a few under the Sylvia Day name, but not any of the S.J. Day books. I'd love to read this series!

Cybercliper said...

~Hi Kimberly ~ Way to go TOR!!! Great contest and looks to be a great series :-)

Lori T said...

Wow, what a great contest and I would really love to read these.

Daelith said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Definitely toss my name in the hat for the drawing.

ColleenFL said...

This looks like a great series!