About the Author:
Toni Andrews likes to say it's easier to list the jobs she hasn't tried. From lifeguard to lounge singer, bartender to bill collector, door-to-door salesperson to corporate business analyst--Toni has been there and done that. Then, she decided that what she really wanted to be was a writer. After fifteen years in Southern California and seven in Miami, Toni returned to the lakeside cottage in Connecticut where she spent her childhood summers, where she writes full time.
After discovering that it’s not always easy for authors to get publicity, Toni took matters into her own hands in 2008 and began producing her own public access television show, So Many Books, which features authors of all genres and appears in over 150 towns in New England and New York.
Toni also writes romance novels under the pen name Virginia Reede.

Cry Mercy, Mira Books, June 2009
Angel of Mercy, Mira Books, May 2008
Beg for Mercy, Mira Books, September 2007
As Virginia Reede:
A Red Hot New Year (Anthology), Avon Red, December 2007
Men in Chains, Cerridwen Press, July 2007
Witch’s Knight, Ellora’s Cave, June 2007
Beastmistress, Ellora’s Cave, June 2006
Video Blog with Toni:
To learn more about Toni Andrews, her newest release Cry Mercy, and her Mercy Hollings series, please visit her website: HERE
You can read reviews of her series on the Darque Reviews website by visiting her author page: HERE
You can find out about a virtual book signing with Toni: HERE
Check out her book trailer:
For a chance to win a copy of Cry Mercy, just leave a comment for Toni. She'll draw the winner at random from the comments left! Good luck! :)
Thanks so much for joining us today Toni!
Kimberly Swan, DarqueReviews.com
Hi, Toni! Congrats on your new release! I love the cover and can't wait to read Cry Mercy. :)
Congrats on your virtual tour! Can't wait to read Cry Mercy
Great cover, interesting storyline, let me at it!
Conrats on your new release and virtual tour, Toni! I hope to read Cry Mercy soon...Wink-wink.
If open to all then I am in :D
Congrats on the book, great trailer, I do love those
I'm always looking for new authors to read, count me in!
I don't like long trailers and yours was just great! You look just fine without the makeup so have no fear.
I enjoyed the video, and now we know your a plotter. I hope you sell a ton of books and I can't wait to read it. You are the video Queen, I particularly liked your show interviews with Pearl and Piks. Two of my favorite people and you made them both so relaxed. Great stuff Toni!
I have Beg for Mercy sitting in my shelf and I still haven't read it. I really have to start it because I've heard such good things about your books!
Hello Toni,
This sounds like a wonderful series. I love the covers of all 3 books. :) Best to you.
Hi Toni. Congratulations on your new release. Sounds good. Love the cover.
Congrats on the new release! Count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I really want to read this:)
Congrats to Ms. Toni!! Please drop my name in the random hat!
Love the videos...
The book sounds great!
Kim... no, I am not trying to bribe anyone today.. I promise! **fingers are crossed behind my back, lol**
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Congratulations on your release. I have buried myself deeper adding your series onto my "to read" pile. ;)
Looks like a great book and I hope to read it soon...if I'm the lucky winner, that is. ;) Good luck!
Congrats on the new release,sounds like a great book. Please count me in if this is open to all.
Hi Toni, enjoyed the trailer and the excerpt and would love to read Cry Mercy.
Hi Toni! I loved your video! How cool?!! Congrats on the release of Cry Mercy! It sounds awesome and I'd love to read it.
This lot are right - the cover does rock!
Congrats on the new release - here's to a great success!
Congrats on your new release. I can't wait to read Cry mercy.
Hi Toni! I have read the first book in the series and loved it! So obviously I would love to read Cry Mercy ** Grin ** Thanks for the contest.
Congrats on the new release. I hope to read it soon.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I am so looking forward to Cry Mercy - this is one of my favorite series. I'd love to win a copy!
Hi Toni! Congrats on what looks like a fantastic new book!
The cover art is great! Can't wait to try it!
Dottie :)
Congrats on the release day Toni!
Congrats on he new release. This book looks awesome. I love the cover.
Hi! Toni,
I enjoyed watching the book trailer- can't wait to read Cry Mercy.
Wow you have had a lot of different jobs.
love your books and the story line rocks can't wait to see where you go with this series.
Hi, Toni,
I love the Mercy books, and I'm dying to read CRY MERCY!
karenwitkowski AT aol.com
Great cover. I so cant to read this
Congratulations on your new release! Sounds awesome. And I really enjoyed the trailer.
Howdy!!! This looks like a good read. I can't wait to get my hands on it. Thanks!
Thanks for the interview Toni! It's nice to see an author's personality on the video ;)
These books sound so awesome! I really need to get my hands on them!
(Selected by asking my brother to select a number between 1 and 35)
Zita, email me through my website with your mailing address so I can send you your book.
Love the trailer. The book sounds very compelling.
I really love the covers of the entire series. I have them on my TBR list but haven't gotten to them yet, shame on me I know.
I really enjoyed the guest post!
P.S. *waves to Kimberley* hi stranger =)
Hi Toni! Congrats on the new book! I remember when I saw this up on EHarlequin and bought it, it went on to be that evenings read! So looking forward to Cry Mercy!
Congrats on your new release Toni. The book sounds great.
Hi loved the books so far and can't wait to read cry mercy.
The trailer looks great..
I love the series and I can't wait to read Cry Mercy! It is on my wishlist so if I don't win maybe it will come to me some other way!
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