The wonderful folks at Avon Books - Harper Collins have sent me a set of galleys that include all three of the upcoming releases by Lynsay Sands. The Accidental Vampire, Vampires Are Forever, and Vampire Interrupted. They release the end of December, January and February. That would be pretty wonderful to have your own set to read long before they hit the shelves, right? They've also sent the promo item to go with each of the books. All you have to do is stop by and leave a comment anytime between now and November 30th to be entered to win. One winner will win all three of the books and cute promo goodies that go with them. The winner will be announced on December 1st, so be sure to stop by and see if it's you!
Don't forget to read the interview with Ms. Sands while you're here!
Good Luck, and Happy Reading! :)
Wow! Great interview with Lynsay and wonderful prizes. I love her Argeneau series and have followed the family since the beginning.
Count me in! :)
I enjoyed reading the interview with Lynsay. I am always looking for different authors to read. Think I will try one of hers. Happy Thanksgiving
I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying the interview. :) Definitely wonderful prizes, she has a really great publicist at Avon Books (Harper Collins).
*Joye...Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! I read Single White Vampire first (because it was released first), but to actually read the series in order, the first book is A Quick Bite. If you like vampire romances, you'll definitely enjoy these. :)
This is so great! I love her Argeneau Series - so definitely please count me in! :)
I'm a big fan of Lynsay Sands. I have all of the Argeneau books printed so far. I'd love to add this prize to my collection of her books. I've met Lynsay & her husband at a Dallas book signing. I'm also a member of her website forum.
IMHO She's one of the best vampire writers around, much better than MS Rice.
G W Pickle
I have been waiting for ever (or so it seems) for those books to come out. Love the interview with Ms. Sands. Count me in!
I really enjoyed the interview with Lynsay and the excerpts from her books. I haven't had the chance to read any of her books yet and would love to be entered to win.
Great interview. Wonderful prizes. :-) Love the covers of the books.
This is a great chance to be one of the first to read her books before they're released. Count me in please!
loved the interview and wow what a nice prize.
Would love to be in the running, please :-)
Have a lovely day! :-)
loved the interview, love Lynsay Sands books.
please please enter me in contest!
Wow this is a cool contest!
What a great interview and contest! I've been a fan of Ms. Sands for a long time and look forward to new vampire books from her. Also, keep up the great reviews and interviews! I stop by a few times a week to see what you have posted. :)
I enjoyed the interview very much. I like learning new things about authors that I read...
Please enter me in the contest--I would love to get this set! And Lynsay sounds like a geniunely kind person.
Wow! This a truly awesome prize! Lynsay is great, i've enjoyed chatting with her and she is always great to her fans. Great interview as well. i can't wait until these comes out.
What a great contest idea, please count me in.
OOO count me in. I love her books :)
pleease enter me
i would offer up my all four chidren :))) in exchange plus put in my pup
I love Lynsay Sands books. This is an awsome giveaway.
Leanne Tyler
Victory's Gate Coming Soon TWRP
Count me in! I really like your blog, by the way!
Okay, let me tell you a secret...PICK ME!
Just kidding, but seriously erase all the other entries and replace them with my name...
I'm having such a good time reading everyone's comments. Some of them are just so funny! :)
I loved the interview with Lynsay. I can't wait for the next book in the Argeneau series. It totally rocks!
P.S. Hope I win the contest! Wish me good luck:)
OMG I soooo love the Argeneau's
When I read that Lynsay was having 3 yes 3.... in a row I was in a book loving frenzy!!!
Now a Chance to win all three eary.
Be still my heart!!
So sign me up Plllllllleaaase. :0)
Humm I wonder if begging would help.
Coming in a wee bit late to catch up on the posts. Great interview! I'm a big fan of books and wine, too. Oh, and long bubble baths. Especially with hot heroes. I'd love to read these stories.
Ahhh! I am so looking forward to reading the next Lynsay Sands books and it would be awesome to be the first to read it.
I love Lynsay's books. Count me in
I love the Argeneau books and cannot wait to read the next ones. Count me in!! :)
Lynsay is one of the best authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Since I discovered her, all of her books are keepers for me and are reread often! Her sense of humor gives her writing that something extra that a lot of authors are unable to capture.
I love the Argeneaus, and I also read Single White Vampire first when it caught my eye in a bookstore. That was the first Lynsay Sands book I bought, and I've been hooked since then. I'm even a regular on her forum :-)
Loved the interview! Thanks for doing the interview and please enter me in the contest. Also, I enjoyed your blog!
Wow awesome prizes!!! Great interview! Please enter me, I would LOVE to win these!!
Hey! lol I LOVE this books so much that I even open up a GMail account for the chance to win!!! Linsay Sands is an AMAZING writer. Really talented! I love her take on Vampires, because its not only refreshing but she makes it funny and gives them a human side that most stories don't show. I was great to read her interview! Thanks!!!!
Great interview. Very nice prize, please enter me I would love to win. I heard Lynsay Sands' books are very good and I would love to read them.
Great interview with Lynsay. I have all of the Argeneau books printed so far. Can not wait until the next one or should I say 3 come out. Unfortunately have to. The Argeneau's are a family that you can relate to. It just shows that even Immortals have problems and a since of humor too. So definitely please count me in. This is just so great to be able to have the chance to read them before anyone else. I am also on Lynsay's forum.
I discovered Lynsay this year and have been loving catching up on her back list. They are all on my TBR pile or keeper shelf after I've read them. Love the Argeneau books!
Wonderful interview! Count me in for the contest.
Ohhh, a contest. Yay! Love Lynsay's stuff. I'm so glad the new books are being released so close together.
I love Lynsay Sands vampire series. It would be wonderful to win the advance copies of her new books.
Just a few days left! Good luck everyone! :)
THREE books in a row! I guess Christmas is coming early! I loved the interview too!
Can't wait for it to come out! I have a sister I want to get started on this series!
What a great interview, and a great give away. Any readers dream, for sure. I just love her all her books, especially the Argeneau Series. I cannot wait to get my hands on the next three books! And if they are earlier even better...lol. Definitely count me in!
I Love the covers! Great attention getters!! Also great interview! Thanks for sharing with us!
Those covers look great together. I have just recently gotten into the whole vampire thing. Great contest!
Kissa Starling
I love Lynsay Sands' vampire books. I've been reading them since the first one (even though they were technically published out of order), and I'm still enjoying every one.
Pick me! (hint, hint-hee)
interesting...never thought 3 books would come out in a row like that. it'll certainly satisfy my reading thirst. lol. can't wait!
Another fan of Lynsay's, both the vamps and her historicals. Love to read these sooner than later, count me in.
Pick Me! Pick Me!
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