Meet Dru Anderson.
Night Hunter. Knife Thrower. Heart Breaker.
by Lili St. Crow
“Dad? Zombie.
Mom? Long gone.
Me? Well, that’s the Scary Part.”
Dru Anderson’s not afraid of the dark. But she should be. STRANGE ANGELS (Razorbill; Trade Paperback Original; 978-1-59514-251-1; $9.99; 304 pages; Ages 12 up; May 14, 2009) is the first in a thrilling new paranormal series that introduces readers to Dru, the toughest teen hunter since Buffy hung up her stake. When something evil taps at her kitchen door, can this strange angel stand the heat? Or is it just a matter of time before her blood turns cold?
Dru and her father travel town to town hunting “Real World” baddies like suckers, wulfen, and the occasional reanimated corpse. Then Dru’s dad turns up dead (but still walking), and she suddenly finds herself in the middle of a deadly game of cat and mouse where she’s going to need every inch of her wit and training to stay alive. Even worse, she’s got two guys (Graves, freshly bitten by a werewulf, and Christophe, a half-human vampire hunter) hungry for her affections, and they’re not about to let the fiercely independent Dru go it alone. Will Dru discover just how special she really is before coming face-to-fang with whatever— or whoever— is hunting her?
Fans of vampire series and paranormal romance will be mesmerized by the action-packed adventures and self discovery Dru must face in order to come to terms with her destiny. And this girl’s not going down without a fight.
About the Author:
Lili St. Crow was born in New Mexico, bounced around the world as an Air Force brat, and fell in love with writing when she was ten years old. After taking second place in a fiction-writing contest sealed her addiction to the written word, she now suspects that she has ink instead of blood filling her veins. She lives in Vancouver, WA with her husband, three children, and a houseful of cats. She is the author of the Dante Valentine series, the Jill Kismet series, as well as The Watcher series, among others. This is her first YA novel. Visit http://www.lilistcrow.com/ to find out more.
About the Giveaway:
Now for the giveaway! The kind folks at Razorbill (Penguin Young Readers Group) are sharing 10 arc copies of Strange Angels. U.S. addresses only for this giveaway, and here’s how it will work:
Tomorrow (May 14, 2009) is release day, and 3 winners will be chosen. Then, for the week following, a new winner will be drawn each day. How great is that? You can enter once each day throughout the contest to increase your odds of being chosen.
You can also read my review of Strange Angels on the website: http://darquereviews.com/12612/134296.html
Take a peek at the book trailer: HERE
Good luck, and happy reading!
Kimberly Swan, DarqueReviews.com
Oh, very cool giveaway! This book is definitely on my to-read list.
no fair, I am dying to get my mitts on this and it's US only. Good luck to everyone else.
Please count me in!! I love YA and this book has had some really good words said about it around the blogosphere!
Can't wait to read it!
Dottie :)
Oh yes, count me in! This is on my TBR list, so it'd be awesome!
OOOOOOOOOOOOO I am very excited! Awesome! I want to read this book so baddddd. :)
This book sounds great! I just read the first Jill Kismet book by this author and loved it. Count me in.
Oh this sounds like something right up my alley....
***clearing throat... ladies I have a truck load of Dove Chocolate and World Finest waiting for you ~ if you bow out of the contest and let me win!!!!***If not.. I can allow you to see a half nake David Boreanaz***
I know, evil! But hey... I wanna win!!!
Hey Kim, toss my hat in the ring for this one!!!
Thought would you get a good laugh out of this one!!!
10 arcs?! Thank you Penguin group! Awesome. I am SO in. *g*
I can't wait to read this book. please count me in.
Count me in:)
I saw the awesome book trailer and can't wait to read the book. Thanks for the chance!
Wow, that's really nice of Razorbill. But boo-hoo, I live in Canada. *tear* :)
I've heard good things about this book I'd love to win.
I like paranormal stuff, and I also enjoyed Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so I think I'll love this book. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Wow, sounds like a great book! It definitely holds everything I like that makes a good read, but..
Cecile, a half naked David Boreanaz? That offer is almost just too tempting!! Dirty pool!!!
I'm dying to read STRANGE ANGELS! I love Saintcrow's books and YA, so I can't wait to read her YA debut! Thanks for the contest.
Cyberclip... I will take it any way I can get it... or give it any way to win!!! ***evil grin*** I am to drive a hard bargin!!!! You think it will work!!!
Ooohhhh.....how do I get my name in the hat? Just leave a comment here for the drawing tomorrow and then for each day after that or will there be a new post?
Either way, I want in! I can't wait to read it.
Cecile - When chocolate doesn't win them over, David B might? lol
Jackie - The comments will all be on this post to keep it easy. You don't have to comment more than once, but I thought I'd give the option of commenting once a day for the duration of the giveaway. :)
Oh, me, me! Please! I read your review and some others, this book is suppose to be fab.
I'd love a chance to win! Count me in.
I love strong heroine's. Count me in for the giveaway :)
Hugs, Danette
Count me in please!
Haha Cecile's post made me laugh.
I'd so love a chance to win win this one. I was going to get it online the other day but I didn't, don't know why.
Please count me in Kimberly =)
*crosses fingers*
It's always worth another try. Thanks!
Trying again, maybe I'll get lucky :)
Hey can't beat a girl for trying huh!?! I am throwing my hat in again... for another chance... Kim.. you said to just post here... or do we have to go to the winner page to enter?? Just making sure... ***trying to be tricky to confuse people***
The chocolate truck is coming ladies... there is still time to back out and go for the truck.. or a sneak peek at David!!! Just let me win!!! LOL!!
Mishel.. I try to have fun... glad that I could make you laugh... just tell me what you like and I will try to get it for you... so you don't enter the contest...lol!!
Thanks for letting me have fun Kim!!!
Throwing my name in the hat for the next drawing :-)
A new Saintcrow?! I'm there! Can't wait to read it :)
Hey Kimberly
Ok I am entering again for the second day. I want this book so bad!! This is an awesome giveaway. So nice of them to give you 10 to giveaway!! Crossing my fingers and toes...LOL
I'm not giving up. :) Add my name one more time. LOL
I enjoyed the trailer, the excerpt, I love the cover. This sounds like a fantastic read. Please include me in the giveaway:)
Very cool. I've been waiting for this one. :)
LOVED the trailer! Book sounds sooo good. I still have to go get my copy and B&N because I have a gift card, but they didn't have it when the store opened. What a rip!
Now that is awesome. I really enjoy Lili St. Crow's world..have been waiting for more!
I have loved the other novels by Lilith Saintcrow. I am looking forward to reading this novel.
What is it they say...if at first you don't succeed...do like Cecile and attempt to bribe the other contestants for a second chance at the win!!!! I'm in it for the long haul or at least until Cecile shows me some naked David :-)
This book sounds great! I'd love to win a copy!
Sounds great. Throwing my name in.
Yep.. I don't plann on giving up very easily... Cyber... **cecile be heading to her lab to find some very naked David**
Is there a topic you want us to talk about all week since we're leaving comments? :)
I want in on today's contest too!
sounds like a great book. I want and my both my sons do too. They are 13 and 19 lol.
Damn it's US only =(
No love for Canadians out there?
Fantastic! I was putting up a celebratory post for the release day and saw your contest. A link was quickly added to said post!
Shall we enter by leaving a comment here every day?
Fantastic contest! I cannot wait to read this book. Young Adult + Edgy = Glorious!
I still want this book!
Since I didn't win the first day!
Dottie :)
Hey Cybercliper... head over to my place to see what I have for you there!!! And anyone else who loves them some half nake David Boreanaz!
I can't wait to read this!
Sounds awesome - count me in! :)
Jackie - It's not a must, but I'd love to hear what other YA urban fantasy/paranormals readers are looking forward to reading this year. :)
Cinnamon - Very cool, thank you! Yes, just leave your comment on this original post (easier for me to keep track of).
*To the readers outside of the US - while I'm not authorized to include you in this one, did you check the other contests I have up right now? I know it's not Strange Angels, but they're paranormal romances that might interest you.*
Cecile - You're so evil....lol You know I just had to get a peek at David. *sigh*
Girl... if you peeked at the top... you need to see what's at the bottom!!!
I am evil ***evil to the core***
Who said if you can't win... then look at half nake pictures of hot guys and read about great sex scenes!!!! LOL!!!
I want in! It won't be released here until the 19th, UNFAIR Canadian publishers, UNFAIR!
Good luck all, but to be truthful I love to win.
Sounds like a great story!
Looking forward to reading it.
Please enter me! This sounds great.
Awesome writer, awesome giveaway.
Very cool on the giveaway.
Awesome give-away! Please enter me :)
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
Ooh ooh enter me! Please?
Can't wait to pick this up -- I really enjoy Lilli's writing. I'm sure her foray into YA will be just as entertaining as her other work.
Great giveaway. I cant wait to read this book it sounds fantastic.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
i would love ot win this book
and vrey generous giveaway
I would to be in the drawing for this book.
Please count me in!
Great contest! This book sounds great and I would loveto win!!
great contest - plese enter me!
The book sounds awesome. Sign me up!
second entry please!!!
Pick me! Pick me!
Sounds like a good read. Count me in!
congrats to Dottie and the other winners so far.
Third times the charm.
Ah. I shall try a third time.
Third times a charm. LOL
Please count me in for today's drawing. :)
New day, new entry!
I'm always looking for new to me YA authors and this one sounds great!
Great giveaway. I would love to read this book.
Count me in for the next round, please.
You said you'd like to know what other YA paranormal book we might be looking forward to - here's one: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead, the next in the Vampire Academy series. The ending of the last one broke my heart - I've gotta know what happens next!!
Blue Moon: The Immortals by Alyson Noel coming out in July looks like its going to be a good read. Her first book was Evermore.
Good luck everyone.
Please count me in!
This sounds like a fun read - plus, it's the first in the series.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
Ooh, I've never entered a book giveaway before. I think I'll join in now. This books definitely sounds interesting...makes me think of Supernatural, which I love to watch.
Please count me in! Thanks!
I would so love to win this book. Sigh. I've been losing more blog contests than I thought was possible just by the law of averages, but I keep trying. :)
karenwitkowski AT aol.com
Please enter me! This looks awesome!
Sounds like an awesome read. Count me in!
I'm always a bit wary of YA, because too many of them seem to talk down to the reader, but I definitely trust Lilith Saintcrow. Looking forward to it!
Sounds like a great book!
Thanks for a great giveaway=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
Okay.. new day... new post.. I want to wish everyone good luck at winning!! But I must put in that I have a truck load of calorie free chocolate for anyone interested in letting me win!!! LOL!!!
Seriously, this is an awesome book to win!
I'd really love this book! Please count me in for today, May 16.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I would love to be entered to win a copy of this! It sounds really great and I love the cover!
I'd love a chance to win a copy of this book if I've posted in time. Thanks and good luck to everyone.
Entry #2.
Another day, another entry, please. :)
Congrats Cecile on being the latest winner! You worked really hard. I can only hope I'm the next to follow in your footsteps.
Does every post count? Should I post more then once? I really want this book! :) I run to my computer excited every day hoping I am a winner. Well good luck to everyone. I'll cross my fingers.
Oh I forgot to say I adore the Magic or Madness Trilogy by Justine Larbalestier. Great books!
This is going to be a great book based on everything I have read about. I cant wait to get the chance to read it.
Congrats to all the winners so far!!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Finally bought my copy today. B&N got them in yesterday. What a joke. They didn't even have a book on its release date. You know if this was another Harry Potter book that would NOT have had happened. But it's okay!!! I got it! YEA!
Great contest!
Keeping my fingers crossed for the next round...
Back for another try. :)
I'm here to try again.
Okay, fourth time is gonna do it for sure. LOL
Congrats to all the winners so far!
Maybe I'll get lucky this time!
I LOVE Lili St. Crow! she totally rocks! win it or buy it, I will definitely be reading this book this summer! GOOD LUCK ALL!
Please add me to the drawing.
Thank you.
Please enter me in your awesome giveaway. Strange Angels sounds great! :)
I *so* want this book, and my local bookstore doesn't have it. C'mon, Random Generator, pick me! :) (I wonder if it takes bribes?!?)
karenwitkowski AT aol.com
congrats Cecile.
Another day, another entry :)
Oh enter me please. This sounds intriguing.
entry number 3 please!
My third day entry please.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
Started it just last night while at work. Pretty interesting. Need to read more, but must work again. Drats! So far, so WONDERFUL!
How fun is this!?! My email is samantha.1020@yahoo.com
I can't wait to read this.
Please enter me!
congrats Martha.
Third entry, please. Thanks! Good luck everyone! :)
Congrats to the latest winner.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Congratulations to today's winner.
*Crossing toes now...* LOL
And again, this time I'll hang on to a lucky rabbits foot or something.
Definitely wanting to reach out to new things to read! Count me in.
rebelaessedai at gmail dot com.
What a great giveaway, please enter me!
Third time's a charm. (Hopefully) :D
I will try again. I really want this one as you can tell! LOL :)
Oh, I love all of Lili's stuff. Awesome!
Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow's contest... :-)
Hope to get lucky! dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
Oh wow super sweet!
This looks great. Count me in!
2nd entry. Thanks again!
The book keeps getting better and better! I love this!
2nd entry! Couldn't hurt, right?
Another entry please (4th one). Thanks!!
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I just finished the book from a friend's copy and I really loved it. I wish the sequel was coming out soon!
Thank you!
Congrats to all the winners so far. I hope I get to join the illustrious list of winners soon too.
Another entry please. :)
4th entry...fingers crossed. Congrats to the winners thus far.
please add me another entry and congrats to Chris.
Sounds like a great story. I hope I win!
I've got my fingers and toes crossed - now I'm crossing my eyes....makes typing difficult - but I will struggle through. LOL
My daily (well kinda daily...I forgot to comeback! lol) entry :)
Back again. Here's hoping. :)
Another entry and hoping to win :)
Congrats to Chris for today's win!
Waaaah - I forgot to come back! Well, I'm here now!
entry #4 Did I win yet? Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to the newest winners.
Leaving another comment. I really really want to read this one.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I hope I'm lucky enough to win a copy! :)
Third entry. Thanks again for the chance to win!
My daily entry. Wish me luck! ;)
Here's my entry for Tuesday, May 19.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
My entry for today. Still hoping for a stroke of luck. :)
This is the way we enter the contest, enter the contest, enter the contest. This is the way we enter the contest so can read Strange Angels. :D
This is the way we enter the contest, enter the contest, enter the contest. This is the way we enter the contest so can read Strange Angels. :D
Continuing with the singing...Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho it's off to entering we go. Good luck to everybody!
would love to win
mel at skbphoto.com
This looks like it's going to be a great series. A must on my must read list.
Forgot to enter yesterday. :(
So I'm getting today's entry in early. :)
Add my name one more time. :)
Yep. One more time!
Another entry for me please. :)
Entering again for today.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
entry #5 Time is running out!!!!
Another entry for me.
Congrats to today's winner.
Another entry for me. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
I so want to win!
Please count me in again. Here's my entry for Wed, May 19!
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
4th entry... Thanks!
entry # 6 Pick memememememememe!!!!!!!!
My Daily Entry! ;)
I'm back!
I'm back to enter again
I'm back too lol
Would love to read this
Gonna give this another try, with one last entry.
Here's my last chance. I hope, I hope, I hope I win.
Back again. Another entry for me. :)
trying again and I love that cover she's so focused.
Just putting another try in there.
I like the sounds of this title. If there's a chance to win, count me in. :)
Sounds like a great book!
Congrats Michelle G.
Now to try my luck again.
Try, try, try again. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
Trying again. :-)
Gosh darn I hope I win! :)
Okay - I will give it one my try. Please include me in your giveaway.
I love a Hunter! Do count me in! Thanks!
Please include me for todays entry.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Thoguht I would comment once more on here, give myself an extra entry for the giveaway as this book sounds awesome. Thanks.
Last entry!
My May 21 entry! thanks
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
Another entry, thanks!
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