The first 3 winners for arcs of Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow are:
#14 Nyuel
#20 Fantasy Dreamer
#8 Wendy
Just email me with your mailing info at: DarqueReviews @ gmail . com (without the spaces) and Razorbill/Penguin Young Readers will get those books out to you.
*Remember to check back each day over the next week as one reader will be chosen each day! You can also post one comment each day to increase your odds of winning, but only comments made on the original post will be counted: http://darquereviews.blogspot.com/2009/05/10-book-giveaway-strange-angels-by-lili.html
Okay, I have the biggest, happiest grin on my face. Thank you! Going to send email now. :D
Congrats Wendy!!!
Okay.. ladies.. Congrats... but I can still tempt you with chocolate if you want some.... ***tempt... smell the aroma... tempt***
AWESOME! I'm soooo happy, yeah!
Congrats winners. :)
Awesome! I freaked out the dog when I yelled after seeing my name. Thanks so much, and I'm emailing you right now.
Congrats to the winners!
Congrats Winners!
Dottie :)
Congrats you lucky winners!! Enjoy the read. Sounds like it's going to be a good one :-)
Congrats to the winners! Jealous much? I sure am. :)
Congrats to all the winners. I really am looking forward to reading this.
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